I love the way you have refreshed the story for a modern audience.

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I’m enjoying this! It’s not what I expected. I really like the tone you’ve set, which seems perfect for a modern audience.

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Thanks! Ancient material needs to be adapted a little bit even under the best of circumstances. Gilgamesh is an especially complex case because it shows signs of several versions of the story being imperfectly merged. For instance, most of the gods seem to have no particular motivation, and G and E switch back and forth in terms of which one is wise and which one is impulsive.

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I love your postings on this. Just a matter of coincidence, I have a series that begins filming in Los Angeles in December 2024 entitled Age of Prophecy. It tells a fictional story of the ancestors of Enlil and ENki, during a time before the Earth was seeded. Unknown to the general/casual audience, there are undertones of actual myth and legend, tying in sumerian religion, and those that are with us today. I would like to send you more info. site: www.aopfilm.com

Take care

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I checked out the site! Very interesting!

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Seven days and seven nights. That always seems to turn up in mythology—seven days of creation, Seven seals, seven angels.

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Sumerians had already developed a precursor to seven-day weeks and believed that seven was a perfect number. Later civilizations also tended to regard seven with favor.

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