Fantastic job adapting Lovecraft's existing lore in this story. It was a treat going through and seeing names and places I half-remembered pop up. I also thought your incorporation of Arabian folklore was well done - I didn't realize it wasn't part of Lovecraft's mythos until you mentioned it at the end.

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This is a worthy addition to the Lovecraft Lore. If I hadn't known better, I'd have thought I was reading an old story. Good job.

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Very nicely done, especially the twist with Muhit - the setup leading us to believe he was up to no good, then the realization he wasn’t the one to worry about - excellent!

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Kept me reading till the end. I could see this being an incredible graphic novel series. Well done.

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This would be an excellent addition to one of the many anthologies published by authors who have amended Lovecraft's work for their own purposes.

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