Founders' Club


Thank you for supporting my work, and welcome to the Founder’s Club!

As a founding subscriber, you get all the rewards of a regular paid subscriber (free ebook copies of new releases, two designated ebook shorts, and any ebook anthologies made from my Substack stories (which may not be otherwise available outside of Substack).

In addition, founders have the ability to receive free ebook copies of any books in my catalog. To place a free order, go to this page. You can browse my fiction catalog right here by accessing the My Books 1 and My Books 2 tabs. You can review my whole catalog on my website.

You are entitled to one free ebook per month (not counting the ones to which regular paid subscribers are entitled). After your first year as a founding subscriber, you are entitled to select an alternative monthly benefit if you’ve already received copies of all my fiction books.

  • You can have a character in one of my stories named after you. You can also specify the type of character, though in that case, you may need to wait until an appropriate story comes along.

  • You can have a book dedicated to you (applicable only in months in which I have a new release).

  • You can get my pre-publication feedback on a short story or other Substack post. (I have not worked as a professional editor, but I have worked with several, I’m a voracious reader, and I have thirty-six years experience as an English teacher, as well as twelve years’ experience as an author.)

I may add to the list as new ideas occur to me.

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